Ordinary is the Mindset, not Lifestyle !

The mindset decides whether the person is extra-ordinary or ordinary or inferior to that and not the lifestyle. Armani, Zara, Rolex, Puma may help for looking trendy but cant hide the ugly character, (No offence to any brand, all are amazing 😍).

Do the qualifications, degrees, power, intelligence, etc etc etc even bother when one  dont even know how to respect others or the one who is always attempting to put others down (just to keep owns elf up) ? 

Its sad watching, that even today, i.e Twenty-first century people support gender-discrimination (yeah, still  exist in some of the parts of world.)

 Ideally, Education is important for the open-mindness, reasonableness, and flexibility in the Attitude. But today the concept is taken the other way round. Some tend to be more rigid and never ready for adjustments with the shield of  self-respect and dignity. 

Upgrade the shit thinking and it will automatically lead to extra-ordinary life. 

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